VHJA Finals Horse Show

Essex Fair Grounds

September 25 & 26, 2010

Class: 200 - Short Stirrup Hunter U/S    Entries: 14

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Willow's Filigree, Cassie Oliver 8.00 P
2 Merry Legs, Caroline Carrara 7.00 P
3 Dun Deal, Haley R. Harder 6.00 P
4 Kapu, Ada Rohan 5.00 P
5 Nite Lite, Sofia Carbone 4.00 P
6 Petticoat, Isabel Hall 3.00 P
7 Sweet William, Adelaide Toensing 2.00 P
8 Hermione, Sophia Comi 1.00 P

Class: 201 - Short Stirrup Hunter Fences    Entries: 14

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Kapu, Ada Rohan 8.00 P
2 Petticoat, Isabel Hall 7.00 P
3 Dun Deal, Haley R. Harder 6.00 P
4 Nite Lite, Sofia Carbone 5.00 P
5 Willow's Filigree, Cassie Oliver 4.00 P
6 Denim & Diamonds, Caroline Averill 3.00 P
7 Socially "B" Swept, Jordan R. Hill 2.00 P
8 Sweet William, Adelaide Toensing 1.00 P

Class: 202 - Short Stirrup Hunter Fences    Entries: 14

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Willow's Filigree, Cassie Oliver 8.00 P
2 Socially "B" Swept, Jordan R. Hill 7.00 P
3 Dun Deal, Haley R. Harder 6.00 P
4 Petticoat, Isabel Hall 5.00 P
5 Sweet William, Adelaide Toensing 4.00 P
6 Denim & Diamonds, Caroline Averill 3.00 P
7 Nite Lite, Sofia Carbone 2.00 P
8 Swift Stormy Days, Izzy Miquel 1.00 P

Class: 250 - Short Stirrup Equitation Flat    Entries: 13

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Jordan R. Hill, Socially "B" Swept 8.00 P
2 Caroline Averill, Denim & Diamonds 7.00 P
3 Haley R. Harder, Dun Deal 6.00 P
4 Cassie Oliver, Willow's Filigree 5.00 P
5 Caroline Carrara, Merry Legs 4.00 P
6 Sofia Carbone, Nite Lite 3.00 P
7 Ada Rohan, Kapu 2.00 P
8 Isabel Hall, Petticoat 1.00 P

Class: 251 - Short Stirrup Equitation Fences    Entries: 13

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Jordan R. Hill, Socially "B" Swept 16.00 P
2 Cassie Oliver, Willow's Filigree 14.00 P
3 Sofia Carbone, Nite Lite 12.00 P
4 Haley R. Harder, Dun Deal 10.00 P
5 Isabel Hall, Petticoat 8.00 P
6 Adelaide Toensing, Sweet William 6.00 P
7 Caroline Averill, Denim & Diamonds 4.00 P

Class: 354 - Long Stirrup Equitation Flat    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Paige Gould, Anything but Innocent 2.00 P
2 Val Hunt, Monteverdi 1.00 P

Class: 355 - Long Stirrup Equitation/Fences    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Paige Gould, Anything but Innocent 4.00 P
2 Val Hunt, Monteverdi 2.00 P

Class: 122 - Hunter Pleasure Pony    Entries: 10

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Rain Beau Creek, Grace Dayton 7.00 P
2 Willow's Filigree, Cassie Oliver 6.00 P
3 Merry Legs, Caroline Carrara 5.00 P
4 Kapu, Ada Rohan 4.00 P
5 Dun Deal, Haley R. Harder 3.00 P
6 Tilly Hopkins, Caroline Arthaud 2.00 P
7 Denim & Diamonds, Caroline Averill 1.00 P
8 First Endeavor, Camille F. Bartsch 0.50 P

Class: 123 - Hunter Pleasure Horse    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Far and Away, Devon Brownlee 6.00 P
2 Geyseur, Brenna Gorman 5.00 P
3 Socially "B" Swept, Jordan R. Hill 4.00 P
4 Pewter, Doni Tifft 3.00 P
5 Auto Pilot, Libby Merrill 2.00 P
6 Professor Gavin 1.00 P

Class: 400 - Hunter Hack Pony    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Rain Beau Creek, Grace Dayton 3.00 P
2 Two-to-Tango, Hadley Menk 2.00 P
3 First Endeavor, Camille F. Bartsch 1.00 P

Class: 401 - Hunter Hack Horse    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Far and Away, Devon Brownlee 4.00 P
2 Geyseur, Brenna Gorman 3.00 P
3 Auto Pilot, Libby Merrill 2.00 P
4 Pewter, Doni Tifft 1.00 P

Class: 351 - Children's Equitation Fences 2'0-2'3"    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Abby Trombley, To Die For 14.00 P
2 Ali Duke, Geyseur 12.00 P
3 Katie O'Brien, Caramel Crunch 10.00 P
4 Caroline Arthaud, Tilly Hopkins 8.00 P
5 Camille F. Bartsch, First Endeavor 6.00 P
6 Carolyn Drescher, Check Your Pockets 4.00 P

Class: 350 - Children's Equitation Flat 2'0-2'3"    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Ali Duke, Geyseur 7.00 P
2 Abby Trombley, To Die For 6.00 P
3 Caroline Arthaud, Tilly Hopkins 5.00 P
4 Hadley Menk, Two-to-Tango 4.00 P
5 Camille F. Bartsch, First Endeavor 3.00 P
6 Katie O'Brien, Caramel Crunch 2.00 P
7 Carolyn Drescher, Check Your Pockets 1.00 P

Class: 456 - Open Hunter Seat Equitation 11 and Under Flat    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Grace Dayton, Silvana 3.00 P
2 Caleigh Thompson 2.00 P
3 Nicolas Horgan, Forever Blue 1.00 P

Class: 457 - Open Hunter Seat Equitation 11 and Under O/Fence    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Caleigh Thompson 6.00 P
2 Nicolas Horgan, Forever Blue 4.00 P
3 Grace Dayton, Silvana 2.00 P

Class: 451 - High/Low Modified Adult Fences    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Doni Tifft, Pewter 6.00 P
2 Jamie Ketcham, Ziggy Marley 4.00 P
3 Mia Ouellette, Bit of Pizzazz 2.00 P

Class: 450 - High/Low Modified Adult Flat    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Doni Tifft, Pewter 3.00 P
2 Mia Ouellette, Bit of Pizzazz 2.00 P
3 Jamie Ketcham, Ziggy Marley 1.00 P

Class: 550 - Children's Equitation Flat 2'6-2'9"    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Samantha Howell, Mondavi 7.00 P
2 Hadley Laskowski, Winds A Loft 6.00 P
3 Michaela Duffy 5.00 P
4 Rachel Buckley, Out of the Mist 4.00 P
5 Sierra Wulfson, Cinder 3.00 P
6 Nicole Redmond, Top Gun 2.00 P
7 Scarlett Stone, Kieffer 1.00 P

Class: 551 - Children's Equitation Fences 2'6-2'9"    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Samantha Howell, Mondavi 14.00 P
2 Hadley Laskowski, Winds A Loft 12.00 P
3 Michaela Duffy 10.00 P
4 Rachel Buckley, Out of the Mist 8.00 P
5 Sierra Wulfson, Cinder 6.00 P
6 Scarlett Stone, Kieffer 4.00 P

Class: 659 - Adult Hunter Seat Equitation 18 & Over Flat    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Karen C. Clark, Cavanaugh 7.00 P
2 Brandi Betcher, Lady Lara 6.00 P
3 Michelle Shapiro, Hawaii Five-O 5.00 P
4 Melissa Woolpert, Constantine 4.00 P
5 Ellen J. Abbott, D. Lennox 3.00
6 Cathryn Trendle, Class Act 2.00 P
7 Jennifer Zubarick, Johnnie Castle 1.00 P

Class: 660 - Adult Hunter Seat Equitation 18 & Over O/Fences    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Karen C. Clark, Cavanaugh 14.00 P
2 Michelle Shapiro, Hawaii Five-O 12.00 P
3 Jennifer Zubarick, Johnnie Castle 10.00 P
4 Brandi Betcher, Lady Lara 8.00 P
5 Cathryn Trendle, Class Act 6.00 P
6 Melissa Woolpert, Constantine 4.00 P

Class: 656 - Open Hunter Seat Equitation 12 Thru 14 Flat    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Shelby Jo Keefe, Valentino 7.00 P
2 Sunny Drescher, Socrates 6.00 P
3 Jessie Hunt, Step Aside 5.00 P
4 India Bluett 4.00 P
5 Paige Gaylord 3.00 P
6 Jacqueline Flynn, Rumblefish 2.00 P
7 Amanda Gellis, Insignia 1.00 P
8 Eva Boudah, Pearl of Wisdom 0.50 P

Class: 657 - Open Hunter Seat Equitation 12 Thru 14 O/Fences    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Jessie Hunt, Step Aside 14.00 P
2 Sunny Drescher, Socrates 12.00 P
3 Amanda Gellis, Insignia 10.00 P
4 Piper Oren, Saxon's Gold 8.00 P
5 Shelby Jo Keefe, Valentino 6.00 P
6 Paige Gaylord 4.00 P
7 Jacqueline Flynn, Rumblefish 2.00 P
8 India Bluett 1.00 P

Class: 750 - Children's Equitation Flat 3'0-3'3"    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Katherine T. Higgins, Gucci 7.00 P
2 Larissa Russin, Captiva Native 6.00 P
3 Katie Gray, Night Traveller 5.00 P
4 Jamie Tempesta, Dylan 4.00 P
5 Eli Morgan, Poker Fever 3.00 P
6 Annie Desautels, Conofino's Boy 2.00 P
7 Abbie Hunt, Monteverdi 1.00 P
8 Sara Eddy Stewart, Senor Gator 0.50 P

Class: 751 - Children's Equitation Fences 3'0-3'3"    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Sara Eddy Stewart, Senor Gator 14.00 P
2 Abbie Hunt, Monteverdi 12.00 P
3 Katherine T. Higgins, Gucci 10.00 P
4 Katie Gray, Night Traveller 8.00 P
5 Larissa Russin, Captiva Native 6.00 P
6 Jamie Tempesta, Dylan 4.00 P
7 Eli Morgan, Poker Fever 2.00 P
8 Annie Desautels, Conofino's Boy 1.00 P

Class: 311 - Pre-Children's Hunter Fences    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Tilly Hopkins, Caroline Arthaud 2.00 P
2 Caramel Crunch, Katie O'Brien 1.00 P

Class: 312 - Pre-Children's Hunter Fences    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Tilly Hopkins, Caroline Arthaud 2.00 P
2 Caramel Crunch, Katie O'Brien 1.00 P

Class: 310 - Pre-Children's Hunter U/S    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Caramel Crunch, Katie O'Brien 2.00 P
2 Tilly Hopkins, Caroline Arthaud 1.00 P

Class: 900 - High/Low Modified Adult Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 God Bless, Robyn Cloyes 3.00 P
2 Pewter, Doni Tifft 2.00 P
3 Bit of Pizzazz, Mia Ouellette 1.00 P

Class: 423a - Young Working Hunter Pony    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
4 Rain Beau Creek, Grace Dayton 1.00 P

Class: 424a - Young Working Hunter Pony    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Rain Beau Creek, Grace Dayton 2.00 P

Class: 422 - Young Working Hunter U/S    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Rain Beau Creek, Grace Dayton 4.00 P
3 Pretty in Pink 2.00 P
4 Marakata, Devyn Blood 1.00 P

Class: 407a - Children's Hunter Pony S/M    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bonjour, Nicolas Horgan 5.00 P
4 First Endeavor, Camille F. Bartsch 2.00 P

Class: 408a - Children's Hunter Pony S/M    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Bonjour, Nicolas Horgan 4.00 P
4 First Endeavor, Camille F. Bartsch 3.00 P
6 Check Your Pockets, Carolyn Drescher 1.00 P

Class: 406 - Children's Hunter Pony U/S    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Forever Blue, Amanda Gellis 5.00 P
2 Bonjour, Nicolas Horgan 4.00 P
3 First Endeavor, Camille F. Bartsch 3.00 P
4 Out of the Mist, Rachel Buckley 2.00 P
5 To Die For, Abby Trombley 1.00 P

Class: 901 - High Modified Adult Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bit of Pizzazz, Mia Ouellette 3.00 P
2 Pewter, Doni Tifft 2.00 P
3 God Bless, Robyn Cloyes 1.00 P

Class: 902 - High Modified Adult Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Pewter, Doni Tifft 3.00 P
2 Bit of Pizzazz, Mia Ouellette 2.00 P
3 God Bless, Robyn Cloyes 1.00 P

Class: 415 - Special Working Hunter Horse    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Winds A Loft, Hadley Laskowski 5.00 P
3 God Bless, Robyn Cloyes 4.00 P
4 Full of Oats, Katie Pelletier 3.00 P
5 Top Gun, Nicole Redmond 2.00 P
6 Far and Away, Devon Brownlee 1.00 P

Class: 416 - Special Working Hunter Horse    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Top Gun, Nicole Redmond 6.00 P
2 Winds A Loft, Hadley Laskowski 5.00 P
3 God Bless, Robyn Cloyes 4.00 P
4 Full of Oats, Katie Pelletier 3.00 P
6 Far and Away, Devon Brownlee 1.00 P

Class: 414 - Special Working Hunter Horse U/S    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 God Bless, Robyn Cloyes 5.00 P
3 Winds A Loft, Hadley Laskowski 4.00 P
4 Full of Oats, Katie Pelletier 3.00 P
5 Far and Away, Devon Brownlee 2.00 P
6 Top Gun, Nicole Redmond 1.00 P

Class: 605 - Children's Hunter Horse    Entries: 12

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Insignia, Amanda Gellis 8.00 P
2 Socrates, Sunny Drescher 7.00 P
4 Saxon's Gold, Piper Oren 5.00 P
5 Step Aside, Jessie Hunt 4.00 P
6 Conofino's Boy, Annie Desautels 3.00 P
7 Monteverdi, Abbie Hunt 2.00 P
8 Night Traveller, Katie Gray 1.00 P

Class: 606 - Children's Hunter Horse    Entries: 12

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Socrates, Sunny Drescher 7.00 P
3 Night Traveller, Katie Gray 6.00 P
5 Saxon's Gold, Piper Oren 4.00 P
6 Conofino's Boy, Annie Desautels 3.00 P
7 Senor Gator, Sara Eddy Stewart 2.00 P

Class: 604 - Children's Hunter Horse U/S    Entries: 10

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Step Aside, Jessie Hunt 6.00 P
3 Socrates, Sunny Drescher 5.00 P
4 Senor Gator, Sara Eddy Stewart 4.00 P
5 Insignia, Amanda Gellis 3.00 P
6 Monteverdi, Abbie Hunt 2.00 P
8 Saxon's Gold, Piper Oren 0.50 P

Class: 613 - Adult Amateur Hunter (Combined)    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Senator, Suzy Bluett 5.00 P
2 Cavanaugh, Karen C. Clark 4.00 P
3 Class Act, Cathryn Trendle 3.00 P
4 Hawaii Five-O, Michelle Shapiro 2.00 P
5 D. Lennox, Ellen J. Abbott 1.00 P

Class: 614 - Adult Amateur Hunter (Combined)    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Cavanaugh, Karen C. Clark 5.00 P
2 Class Act, Cathryn Trendle 4.00 P
3 Hawaii Five-O, Michelle Shapiro 3.00 P
4 Senator, Suzy Bluett 2.00 P
5 D. Lennox, Ellen J. Abbott 1.00 P

Class: 612 - Adult Amateur Hunter (Combined)    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Cavanaugh, Karen C. Clark 5.00 P
2 D. Lennox, Ellen J. Abbott 4.00 P
3 Class Act, Cathryn Trendle 3.00 P
4 Hawaii Five-O, Michelle Shapiro 2.00 P
5 Senator, Suzy Bluett 1.00 P

Class: 423b - Young Working Hunter Horse    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Pretty in Pink 4.00 P
2 Marakata, Devyn Blood 3.00 P

Class: 424b - Young Working Hunter Horse    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Marakata, Devyn Blood 4.00 P
2 Pretty in Pink 3.00 P

Class: 407b - Children's Hunter Pony Large    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 To Die For, Abby Trombley 4.00 P
3 Forever Blue, Nicolas Horgan 3.00 P
5 Out of the Mist, Rachel Buckley 1.00 P

Class: 408b - Children's Hunter Pony Large    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Out of the Mist, Rachel Buckley 5.00 P
2 To Die For, Abby Trombley 4.00 P
5 Forever Blue, Nicolas Horgan 1.00 P

Class: 102 - Beginner Equitation    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Lily Toensing, Sweet William 4.00 P
2 Katherine Lawton, My Little Pony 3.00 P
3 Zanna Branicki, My Kinda Guy 2.00 P
4 Jalen Murphy, Lily Rose 1.00 P

Class: 103 - Beginner Horsemanship    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Lily Toensing, Sweet William 4.00 P
2 Zanna Branicki, My Kinda Guy 3.00 P
3 Jalen Murphy, Lily Rose 2.00 P
4 Katherine Lawton, My Little Pony 1.00 P

Class: 120 - Beginner Pleasure    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Lily Rose, Jalen Murphy 4.00 P
2 Sweet William, Lily Toensing 3.00 P
3 My Kinda Guy, Zanna Branicki 2.00 P
4 My Little Pony, Katherine Lawton 1.00 P

Class: 112 - Advanced Beginner Equitation    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Rachel Rackliff, Diamond Jubliee 6.00 P
2 Kristin Lake, Cocoa Kick 5.00 P
3 Allison McNamara 4.00 P
4 Lila Ouellette, Lily Rose 3.00 P
5 Annie D. Foregger, Nachu Peakin 2.00 P
6 Sophia Channell, Lewis Creek OB Hold 1.00 P

Class: 111 - Advanced Beginner Horsemanship    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Rachel Rackliff 6.00 P
2 Lila Ouellette, Lily Rose 5.00 P
3 Allison McNamara 4.00 P
4 Annie D. Foregger, Nachu Peakin 3.00 P
5 Kristin Lake, Cocoa Kick 2.00 P
6 Sophia Channell, Lewis Creek OB Hold 1.00 P

Class: 121 - Advanced Beginner Pleasure    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Diamond Jubliee, Rachel Rackliff 6.00 P
2 Lily Rose, Lila Ouellette 5.00 P
4 Cocoa Kick, Kristin Lake 3.00 P
5 Nachu Peakin, Annie D. Foregger 2.00 P
6 Lewis Creek OB Hold, Sophia Channell 1.00 P

Class: 110 - Advanced Beginner Fences    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Annie D. Foregger, Nachu Peakin 4.00 P
2 Lila Ouellette, Lily Rose 3.00 P
3 Rachel Rackliff, Diamond Jubliee 2.00 P
4 Allison McNamara 1.00 P

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